Hey friends, can you believe that we are at the halfway point of this year, which is filled with a whirlwind of craziness?

Hope you are all safe and sound and taking some time to take care of yourself and your loved ones (while social distancing if necessary).
As much as all the lockdowns restricted our activities and footprints, I do think it gives me an opportunity to notice the beauties surrounding me.
For example, I started many home improvement projects: Let it be finishing and framing that puzzle I bought years ago but never got around to, or rearranging my furnitures to a more pleasing setup. It gives me great solace that beauty is so easy to be created and found near me. I started this blog to document the tidbits from my travels. I moved around the world so fast sometimes that I forgot where home is. I was so eager to check off another destination on my list that I turned a blind eye to the lush meadow 20 minutes walk away from my apartment. I was dying to fight the crowd to get a peek of Mona Lisa and yet oblivious of the street art on my block. I, not unlike many others, was planning to get out all the time thinking that a life-changing experience must lay somewhere in a foreign land.
Don’t get me wrong. I‘m not condemning us for wanting to travel. Honestly, I’m itching for some Mediterranean air at this very moment. Yet, what I’m getting at is that this self-isolation time gave me time to slow down and look around me.
Guess what I saw?
I saw the most peaceful sunset. (@ Midtown Manhattan)

I saw that Empire State of Mind. (@ 5th Ave)

I saw some coastline that can compete with Ozark’s. (@ Storm King Trail)

I saw where the sky and the ocean intertwine. (@Montauk)

Even my pocket was like: “hey this looks cool so I’m gonna take a picture for you”. (@ Times Square)

Finally, I saw myself opening my heart to what’s around me and being content with what I have.
So yes, I’ll miss strolling on exotic streets but right now, I’m grateful to be surrounded by beauty.
Hope you will find the beauties around you too. Stay safe and take care!
